AI: The Election Evolution has Begun

January 24, 2024


– Advances in AI technology have enabled malicious actors to create fraudulent messages from political leaders and reject authentic recordings as fakes.
– Examples of AI entering elections include an AI-generated robocall imitating Joe Biden telling voters to skip a primary, and an AI-generated smear campaign against Trump.
– Generative AI technology can create near-lifelike renderings of anyone, further blurring the line between reality and fiction.
– OpenAI has banned a developer from using its technology on a chatbot rendering of a Democratic congressman running for president.
– The use of AI in elections raises concerns about the potential for interference in democratic processes.

Key Elements:

– AI has been used in a major voter-suppression campaign for the first time, with an AI-generated robocall imitating Joe Biden telling voters to skip a primary. The calls are being investigated by the New Hampshire Justice Department.
– The Biden campaign and a Democratic congressman from New York have called for a thorough investigation into AI-based attacks that could disrupt American democracy and disenfranchise voters.
– Trump has rejected a Lincoln Project advertisement that compiled real footage of his gaffes, claiming that AI was used to fabricate the footage. He has also warned about the potential dangers of AI in the future.
– OpenAI, a leading AI company, has banned a developer from using its technology on a chatbot rendering of Dean Phillips, a Democratic congressman running for president. The developer violated OpenAI’s usage policies, which prohibit political campaigning and impersonation without consent.
– Generative AI technology has advanced to the point where near-lifelike renderings of anyone can be created with relative ease, blurring the line between reality and fiction.
– The use of AI in elections raises concerns about the potential for interference in democratic processes and the need for stronger regulation.

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