Canon shoots for cheap ‘stamp’ machine to disrupt chipmaking.

January 28, 2024


Canon plans to ship a low-cost chipmaking “stamp” machine this year, in a bid to disrupt the chip fabrication industry. The machine is expected to reduce the cost of manufacturing chips by up to 50%, making it accessible to smaller chipmakers. The ability to produce chips in-house could also shorten supply chains and increase efficiency. Canon is aiming to challenge dominant players, such as TSMC and Samsung, in the chipmaking market.

Canon is planning to release a low-cost chipmaking machine, which it calls a “stamp” machine, in 2023. The machine is expected to reduce the cost of manufacturing chips by up to 50%, making it more accessible to smaller chipmakers. Canon hopes that by making chipmaking more affordable, it will be able to disrupt the chip fabrication industry, which is currently dominated by large players such as TSMC and Samsung.

The “stamp” machine uses a process called extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, which is a crucial step in chip manufacturing. EUV lithography uses light with a shorter wavelength than traditional lithography, allowing for much finer details to be printed on the chip. This enables the production of smaller and more powerful chips.

Currently, chipmaking requires expensive equipment and facilities, making it difficult for smaller players to enter the market. Canon’s “stamp” machine aims to change that by reducing the cost of chip fabrication. It is expected to be significantly cheaper than the traditional lithography machines used by larger chipmakers.

In addition to lowering costs, Canon’s machine could also reduce the need for long supply chains. Currently, chipmakers often outsource the production of chips to foundries, which can lead to delays and inefficiencies. By being able to produce chips in-house, companies could streamline their operations and increase efficiency.

Canon’s entry into the chipmaking market could pose a threat to established players such as TSMC and Samsung. Both companies have a significant market share in chip fabrication and have been investing heavily in EUV lithography technology. However, if Canon is able to deliver on its promise of a low-cost “stamp” machine, it could disrupt the industry and open up chip fabrication to a wider range of companies.

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