China’s J-20 Stealth Fighter: Born from Stolen Technology.

February 17, 2024


  • China’s J-20 stealth fighter incorporates stolen designs from American F-22 and F-35.
  • Su Bin, a Chinese national, pled guilty to conspiracy with the Chinese military to steal military secrets.

The article discusses allegations and evidence of China’s theft of American stealth fighter designs. It outlines how Su Bin, a Chinese national, pled guilty to conspiring with the Chinese military to steal military secrets from the United States, including designs for the F-22 and F-35 stealth fighters. Su worked with hackers to gain access to tens of thousands of files associated with these programs and translate the information into Chinese. Despite efforts to cover their tracks, Su and his team were eventually caught and Su accepted a plea agreement in exchange for cooperation. The new J-20 design showcased changes and improvements that closely resembled the F-22 and F-35, indicating the success of Su’s espionage efforts.

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