Canada’s Sandvine blacklisted by US for targeting Egyptian activists.

February 27, 2024

Article Summary


  • US blacklists Canadian company Sandvine for supplying technology used for censorship and targeting activists in Egypt
  • Sandvine’s DPI technology was used to block human rights websites and inject spyware into the phone of an Egyptian opposition politician

On Monday, the US Department of Commerce added Canadian networking equipment company Sandvine to an export blacklist for allegedly supplying technology used for censorship in Egypt. Sandvine’s DPI technology was found to be used in monitoring online activities and targeting political actors and human rights activists. The technology was used to block websites such as Human Rights Watch and inject spyware into the phone of Egyptian opposition politician Ahmed Tantawi.

The University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab conducted an investigation in 2018 which revealed how Sandvine’s technology was being used for censorship in Egypt. The US government expressed concern over the misuse of such technologies and emphasized the importance of standing against censorship and surveillance.

Despite multiple attempts to contact Sandvine for comment, they have not responded to the allegations. This blacklist highlights the need for accountability and responsibility in providing technologies that respect human rights and values.

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