Biden slashes technology fund – modernization efforts hit hard

March 13, 2024


  • The Biden administration has requested only $75 million for the Technology Modernization Fund for fiscal year 2025, a significant decrease from the previous year’s $200 million request.
  • Congress has been making efforts to reduce funding for the program due to concerns about repayment mechanisms and wasteful spending, with the House Appropriations Committee moving to eliminate its allocation in fiscal 2024.

In a move that highlights ongoing concerns about the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF), the Biden administration has requested just $75 million for the fund as part of its $75.1 billion federal IT spending request for fiscal year 2025. This represents a notable decline from the $200 million requested for the fund in fiscal 2024, indicating a shift in priorities for the administration.

This reduction in TMF spending comes amid ongoing efforts in Congress to cut down on funding for the program. The House Appropriations Committee had previously moved to completely remove its allocation for TMF in fiscal 2024, citing concerns about wasteful spending and the program’s repayment mechanism. Additionally, the Senate Committee on Appropriations approved legislation to cut the TMF allocation from the American Rescue Plan.

These efforts to reduce funding for the Technology Modernization Fund were accompanied by the introduction of a TMF reform bill that aims to enforce adherence to the Modernizing Government Technology Act and extend the fund’s validity until 2030. This indicates a broader push for more stringent oversight and accountability in how government funds are allocated and spent on technology modernization efforts.

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