Reviving bodies at an advanced facility – back to life soon

March 16, 2024

Article Summary


Inside a facility in Arizona, the Alcor Life Extension Foundation freezes corpses in cryonic chambers in the hopes of resurrecting them using future technology. More than 200 bodies are stored, with over 100 individual heads preserved separately. The organization claims to be “pausing the dying process” to potentially revive individuals in the future.

Article Summary:

The Alcor Life Extension Foundation, based in Arizona, freezes corpses in cryonic chambers with the goal of restoring them to full health using future technology. More than 200 bodies are stored at the facility, with over 100 individual heads preserved separately. The organization believes that advancements in medical understanding and technology could allow for the revival of these individuals in the future.

Cryonics is viewed as a way to pause the dying process and potentially extend life beyond traditional definitions of death. The foundation offers services such as whole body or neuro cryopreservation at their facilities. Prices for cryopreservation services range from $29,600 for a low-temperature whole body freeze to $129,300 for a higher freeze.

The Alcor Life Extension Foundation, which has been preserving individuals for 52 years, was founded by Fred and Linda Chamberlain. Interestingly, Fred is cryopreserved at the facility while Linda continues to work there. The organization also offers cryopreservation services for pets, for those who are members.

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